Saturday, February 3, 2007

My experience with Blogging

My first three weeks of blogging has really been a new experience for me. Blogging lets you interact with your classmates or other from a distance. It also lets you get a really know the people. I have found out some interesting things about my classmates through their blogs and I'm pretty sure they have found some interesting things about me as well. I still have to work on some things like creating links and putting pictures up but I'm pretty sure I'll know how before this semester is over. In my opinion, blogging is pretty cool!
As far as using blogging in the K-12 classrooms, I think that would be a great idea. Its a great way for kids to kids to interact with the different cultures and personalities that are present in the school systems. Since K-12 student are being taught how to be computer literate, blogging in a good way to teach kids by posting assignments and fun activties. It also casn be used for students to post any events going on such as parties, dances, balls, etc.......

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